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hoi4 change ideology command kaiserreich

April 9, 2023 banish 30 vs omega

VideoGame. Fixed Liangguangs Second Industrialisation national focus not adding building slots. Fixed Fengtian getting Zhili-in-Exile Sichuan in their National Pacification Army faction. Moved Huang Qixiang from Liangguang to the Left Kuomintang. Fixed a South African ruling party trying to create a coalition with itself. Fengtians Ma Zhanshan no longer defects to Russia or Japan. Fixed a few inconsistencies with strategic region names. Trasamurs demand for the Far East will now never be granted by Russia, unless Transamur is player-controlled. The United Kingdom no longer gets Service By Requirement upon spawning. Adjusted the stats for some Swedish commanders. Outside of using Game Rules, wargoals can no longer be justified before the Second Weltkrieg. Fixed the syndicalist and totalist South African flags not appearing. Fixed the Pacific States Chien-Shiung Wu event firing for the wrong country. Fixed two South African by-election results not firing properly. Fixed several Norway effects erroneously targeting Greenland instead of Iceland. Fengtian can no longer recruit bandit troops while banning looting. Added some post-Cairo Pact War decisions for the Ottomans to develop Jerusalem. Fixed the descriptions for the Siamese Civil War victory event being inverted. Fixed Japan being unable to offer peace to China, without Taiwan being occupied. Tweaked Egypts AI so that it will only declare on Ethiopia and the French Republic when ready, with the wars now starting with the focus itself. Instead of Sultan Omer, Fahrettin Pasha now becomes the temporary leader of Turkey after his coup,until elections are held. Fixed an Armenian flavour event firing twice. Improved the supply situation in Patagonia. AI Germany will no longer grant all of Luxembourg to Belgium in the Treaty of Arlon. The United Kingdom now starts with some trains. Polands A Weapon against the Underground national focus will now give its extra effect in the Investigation decisions, even if completed before the decisions become available. Sichuan will now always become a puppet of Yunnan if it accepts their ultimatum. Fixed Japan not getting wargoals on Han-led Kumul Khanate. Fixed a typo in the name of Swedens Ernst Wigforss. Socialist Netherlands SDAP path now has a coalition with its moderate wing. Fixed Roussillon not being retained when releasing France. Slightly adjusted the Mittelafrikan Collapse. FNGs dynamic modifiers for the Yang Yuting path now have icons. Fixed MarLib Germany being locked out of its focus tree. Removed Transylvanian resistance from Serbian-controlled West Banat. Britain no longer starts on partial mobilisation. The Socialist Republic of Italy Siamic aircraft designer now has a new trait, so that it is different from the Kingdom of Two Sicilies designer Aeronautical Sicula, which they can inherit. Tweaked the ship types that some major naval powers should invest in. Fixed the placement of Turkeys Zonguldak railway from its respective national focus. The Ottomans will now try to naval invade Egypt. Fixed a League of Eight Provinces decision checking for the wrong cost. New National Spirit icons for the Union of Britain, Canada, Sweden and the United Kingdom. Fixed German East Asia not guarding Vietnam's borders. Fixed France not getting claims on Wallonia if they annex all of Belgium, Fixed the Dutch Revolution news event using the wrong description, MAF can no longer release its constituents while at war, The CSA Constitutional Congress popularity gains now reflect the actual politics, Fixed a Yunnan focus bypassing incorrectly and added extra AI factors to their war foci, Post-ACW emergency mobilization is no longer locked, Fixed and improved the Hunan faction joining decisions, Fixed the post-Great Game trees' availables. The player can still join factions manually via the inbuilt Kaiserreich State Transfer Tool. Fixed Switzerlands missing general description for Eugen Bircher. Fixed Australasia keeping path-specific national spirits incorrectly, when being released as a puppet. Added some events regarding the Romanian annexation of Alfld. Fixed Australasia causing an early Entente-Reichspakt war. Assigned Ulsters new ministers for use in its revolt. The French Republic's Lingering Communard Resistance modifiers are now applied in territories returned by the Lyon Conference. Decreased the number of starting factories for the Kingdom of Two Sicilies. Fixed an invalid Georgian division template. Removed Japan getting bicycle technology from a focus, since it starts with it anyway. Added game rules for Fengtians overall obedience or assertiveness. Malta may now request to join Italy, if both are under the same overlord or faction leader. Fixed Germany not being able to access the Economic Boom national focus. Russias Tsereteli can now be re-elected if chosen as provisional president. Fixed Turkey being able to attack Armenia without bordering them. Fixed CZE keeping its cores on Slovakia when partitioned. Fixed Suez not counting as part of Egypt for the Ottoman centralisation mechanic. After a successful coup in Fengtian, Japan can now send an ultimatum to every enemy of Fengtian (but only if the latter is really threatened), but the AI will now also refuse if they are strong enough. Added Panama naval minister to Centroamerica if Panama does not exist, and Centroamerica controls Panama. Russia no longer peaces out with Reichspakt/Donauadriabund Poland when Germany collapses. Fixed Costa Rica and Cuba starting with too much political power. Dans les mois prochains, je rejoins la mtropole Lyonnaise et quitte l'le de France. For the Ottomans, states that are turned into vilayets later don't get upgraded by shifting power to the provincial assemblies. Overhauled the AIs behaviour in supporting its allies. Fixed members of the Sarajevo Accord being unable to join the Vienna Circle. Fixed a Hong Kong-related event for the Legation Cities firing when they dont own Hong Kong. Fixed Adelbert staying around when Belgium gains independence. AI chance to accept an invitation to Patagonias South American Socialist States faction now depends on the targets opinion of Patagonia, instead of just being 60/40. Added a flavour event for Japan about Kitei Son and Nan Shoryu in the 1936 Olympics. Reduced the times in some Namibian national focuses. Fixed Siam getting the Fate of Laos twice. You have to start as Yunnan and make them rebel to play their limited content, Irelands doctrine bonuses have now been reassigned to the correct path, If the Germans and Entente fall to invasion, the Ottomans no longer have to pay their debts back to their governments in exile anyway just to be a good sport, Mexico can no longer invade CEN if its a puppet, Patagonias starting focus no longer sets you to War Economy, instead youre given an idea to buff you instead, The Kingdom of Spain and CNT-FAI trees have been nerfed, The Rally the Country event should no longer fire for any country after the British king has been captured, Peace event for Bulgaria to win the Balkan war can now still fire even if Serbia is not capitulated last, and another Belgrade Pact country currently is leader, Fixed a rare instance where the war between Hungary and Austria could be invalidated, leading to an independent Hungary and no resolution to the Ausgleich event chain, Sweden can no longer drag the Reichspakt or the Third Internationale into wars with their faction-joining decisions, If the UK demands return of colonial lands from a puppet, that demand is now forwarded to the puppets overlord instead, The Greek rebel state is now auto-annexed by Greece if the war has been caused to somehow invalidate through outside interference, The LEP should no longer capitulate with Qing while together in a faction, GEA and Mittelafrika now start in the Reichspakt, as the bugs needing them to be out of the faction have since been fixed, Restored the possibility of taking control of puppet forces, with exceptions - puppets of Austria, China or Russia are not controllable, The German Empires Mitteleuropa and Japans Co-Prosperity Sphere now have a unique GUI that shows a list of countries involved and its effects, Focus times on the French, British and German trees have been shortened, Eastern European states have had their trees further restructured, Portrait updates: Emperor Hirohito (JAP), Justas Paleckis (LIT), Ioan Mihail Racovita (ROM), Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej (ROM), Cristian Racovski (ROM), Alexander Vasilevsky (SOV), Garegin Nzhdeh (ARM), Arturo Puga (CHL), Bartolome Blanche (CHL), Jean-Pierre Esteva (NFA), C. Rajagopalachari (MAD), Periyar Ramasavy (MAD), Minoo Misani (DEH), Fazlul Huq (BHC), Pedro III (BRA), Eleazar Lopez Contreras (VEN), Jose Aguero (PRU), Dwight Eisenhower (USA), Joseph Wainwright (USA), Joseph Stillwell (USA), William Leahy (USA), Willis Augustus Lee (USA), John Lesesne DeWitt (USA), Ernest King (USA), Henry Wallace (USA), Daniel Van Voorhis (USA), Walter Krueger (USA), William Halsey Jr. (USA), George Marshall (USA), We have begun the process of slowly replacing all remaining vanilla portraits used by the mod. Ukraine now starts as an autonomous Oststaat. Nerfed Irelands infrastructure in Connacht and Munster compared to Leinster and Ulster. Persia's monarchs are now actually called "Shah" instead of "Prince". Countries supported by Canada will no longer refuse volunteers. The French Republic's Algiers Conference now requires ownership of Algiers. Fixed Liu Xiang being able to win the war for Sichuan twice. If obedient, Fengtian will still attempt to balance its internal factions, and may become rowdy, but should not declare war. Fixed New Englands Norwich University national focus adding the wrong commander as the Armour Military High Command. Bolivia finally got their naval minister. Removed the general Staf de Clercq from Flanders. Let the player customize Afghani borders in the annexation decision. Fixed the text for Germany's Black Monday national foci mentioning the wrong advisors. Fixed the icon for League of Eight Provinces basic light tank, and edited its description slightly. Fixed the USA not being able to get rid of socialist terrorists. Fixed Nasir Shah regaining his First Reformer trait even after its removal in the Kumul Khanate focus tree. Added the missing effect for Japan's mobility focus in the Numerical Supremacy path. Updated a few Mittelafrikan national focus icons. Azerbaijan no longer joins the Ottoman Empires faction during the War in the Desert - it will only declare war on Persia separately. Shandong should no longer declare war on Anqing when they both have Support of Fengtian, Serbia can no longer buy the HMS Lion without owning a port to put it in, The Neue Reformgruppe will no longer be locked out of their own tree, The South African Federation will no longer focus almost exclusively on its army tree before doing any other focuses. Removed a bugged Shanxi decision description. Fixed the Fall of Germany causing Guangzhouwan to go to the French Republic, instead of a Chinese unifier. The Kaiserreich Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. Please note that we are delaying the update to the music mod by a few days to let us deal with any issues with the main mod first. Fixed the Legation Cities having a duplicate Black Monday event. Given Armenia some manpower when the revolt starts. Improved the rendering of the existing flags for German Cameroon, Denmark, Egypt, Flanders-Wallonia, Kachin, Kurdistan, Lianguang, Montenegro, Mysor, Niger, Norway, the Russian Empire, Sweden, Taiwan, Tibet and Yemen. Fixed Pastaza going to Ecuador instead of Peru in the annexation event. Removed Ethiopian and Somalian starting air forces. Replaced James Craig with Basil Brooke as the head of state for Ulster. Multiple fixes and improvements to the Intermarium system. Added Kotor as a new state in the Balkans. The Left Kuomintangs Low Popular Support national spirit will now affect their compliance gain. Fixed the Expanded Tanker Fleet national focus prerequisites for Georgia. Fixed Jabal Shammar crashing the game, if re-puppeted to the Ottomans during the War in the Desert. Added Sergei Korolev and Igor Kurchatov as rocketry and nuclear theorists for Russia, respectively. Fixed Bulgaria keeping the German support idea after the Balkan War. Fixed a missing parent trait for a General in Hunan. Latvias World Revolution national focus now targets their relevant faction leader more effectively, and is available after Latvia has already joined a faction. If Germany refuses Polish land demands, Poland can now join the Moscow Accord without going to war with Germany first. Removed an invalid modifier in a Serbian national spirit. Bulgarias Balkan Union now removes negative opinion modifiers. Yunnans Tang Jiyao now turns AutDem when he aligns with the Federalists, and now betrays them less frequently. Fixed the Princely Federation pulling Japan into a war against the Bharatiya Commune. Occupied Alfld event for Romania is a bit less frequent. All Chinese national governments can now get claims on Mongolia and Tibet. Fixed some slightly oversized national spirit icons. Fixed Canadas King Albert I having the incorrect description. create_faction = "factionname" creates a faction for your country called "factionname". Fixed Dutch East Indies insta-annexing the Batavian Commune. Fixed the Japanese Amagi Class Battlecruisers being classified as Battleships. Fixed Subhani Arabia restoring the Rashidi cosmetic tag. Fixed the Russian Socialists navy spawning in the wrong province. The ship list of the CoF now doesnt contain names of colonies or kings anymore. We've straightened a number of things out, but we've also expanded the Ottoman "Fevzi" route, so you're getting a little content bonus too. Fixed Burma's annexation puppeting an already-existing Shan or Kachin. Fixed the Dominican Republic ships spawning incorrectly in their event. Fixed an Ottoman election event showing two OHF options. Fixed PatAut White Ruthenia not properly being granted post-war democratisation by Germany. Fixed a missing province in a Romanian fortification focus. Increased the amount of factories given by Insulindias national foci. Sweden's decisions to attack other countries will now cancel for the AI if the conditions change, such as Finland joining the Reichspakt, Fixed Montenegros adjective being Montenegrian, LEP can now fight Yiganduo and KMT rebels, and core Anqing. Increased the province density in Nigeria, Tanganyika, South Africa and Angola, New states for Nigeria, Tanganyika, Angola, Central Asia and the Amazon, Gilgit state removed in northern India, Patiala state added in central India, Tweaks to East Prussia, Sichuan and Dairen, Justification and guaranteeing now requires at least 50% world tension, BUR country tag has been replaced with BRM, NAM country tag has been replaced with NMB, Removed the American puppet path for Honduras as it did not work, Austria can request puppet divisions after completing its status quo focuses. Polands Red Intermarium no longer inherits the other countries troops. Fixed Holland not turning RadSoc upon overthrowing the monarchy. Hopefully fixed any remaining capitulation state control transfer bugs. Fixed NatPop Shandong going to war with the League of Eight Provinces during the Manchu Coup. Kenya and Nigeria are now remilitarised when Mittelafrika collapses. Removed a random 1% chance of the Italian Republic being denied entry into the Donauadriabund. Added a tooltip letting a player know that the Reassess American Commitment national focus for New England, unlocks their intervention in the American Civil War. For other modders out there, we strongly suggest you avoid puppets of puppets at all costs, Long Yun couping the LKMT in Yunnan is no longer locked out of his focus tree, Mexico will now warn CEN before invading it, and the timer for them to invade has been increased from 14 days to 30 in order to give the Central Americans a bigger window to prepare, Fixed Jabal Shammar being locked out of its political tree, Can now actually release Chinese regional tags in annexation decisions, Ukrainian Generals are no longer in Socialist Russia, Fixed a double-firing event in National France, Fixed Mindaugas leading the Lithuanian revolt, Fixed a puppet Switzerland causing its overlord to peace out with France, Finland will now leave Mitteleuropa when appropriate, Japan now loses the Mantetsu idea if they lose control over Manchuria, Olson now gets a higher starting popularity to account for the new ideology, Syria is now only called Syria, not Syrian or Syriac on the map, Fixed Central America joining the Entente while at war with Canada, Fixed Southern Slovakia and Bucovina not being correctly transferred on release, Albania can no longer attack other countries if in faction with Austria, Fixed the JOR Disorganised Revolt ideas being added multiple times, Fixed the Russian release of Romania giving parts of Transylvania and blocking the mission, If all the member countries die, LEC returns to China, Reworded a Finnish event to account for Ukraine possibly being socialist, The West Indies will now have their socialist tree unlocked upon being released as a puppet, Fixed the inverted Sichuan-Tibet peace deal outcomes, Recoded general transfers in Central America, Fixed Iraq and Arabia being released as each other, Fixed Poland being able to occupy a dead Germany, Fixed the Mitteleuropa events having the wrong title and firing for the wrong countries, Panamanian Profit idea now removed if PAN is hostile or non-existent, German East Asia can no longer declare war on a dead Legation Cities, Five Eyes Programme focus for the UK now works properly for non-LaR owners, Greater Germany no longer gets cores on Italian and Slovenian lands, Fixed a case of a CUB flag not being set and locking the focus tree, The Netherlands will no longer release Insulindia or go into exile twice, Fixed HOL becoming socialist and breaking the Insulindian Revolution (again), Iceland now leaves Mitteleuropa when leaving Mitteleuropa, The event for the king being captured will no longer fire for a puppet or socialist Canada/Australia, Fixed the Irish volunteers not disbanding after the end of the ACW, Fixed the USA attacking Puerto Rico during the Ceasefire, You can no longer lease factories or lend guns to a non existent Nanjing Clique as German East Asia, Yunnan capitulates really fast now if its in its civil war to avoid spooky behaviour, Another country besides Uruguay can now win the World Cup, Fixed an ideology change in Lombardys monarchist tree, You can now play as Shan or Kachin without having to use the console! Ethiopias first elections are no longer the last elections. Kornilov no longer comes back from the dead. Puppeted Serbian Yugoslavia no longer has access to the unique Yugoslavia tree. Fixed the Netherlands retaining parts of Indonesia if it goes socialist and Dutch East Indies is dead. Adaptation of Battle of the Bosphorus tanks and planes for Kaiserreich. Air designers now give bonuses to jet aircraft. Fixed the Qing event about Anqing /Nanjing losing coming in too late. Vy zhertvoyu pali (You Fell Victim) now correctly plays for Russian socialists instead of German socialists. Socialist Greece now annexes their puppet Cyprus the same as other ideologies. Fixed Socialist Russia still claiming the land it gives to White Ruthenia as part of the secret deal. Liberal United Baltic Duchy can now actually fix emigration. Fixed Germany getting By Blood Alone plane variants without the DLC. Slightly adjusted the layout of Somalias national focuses. Fengtian is now forced into the Co-Prosperity Sphere if Japan launches Operation Ichi-Gou. Aftermath of the Civil War should be properly removed now in Sichuan. Half of the Kivu Cliques units no longer spawn in New York City then immediately push off for sea, eternally searching for a way to return to a friendly port when there is none to be found. Netherlands: Godfried van Voorst tot Voorst. Fixed countries being able to avoid Black Monday, and potentially break their content, by the player not clicking the response button in the Black Monday event. Shanxi can no longer attack Qing if they've signed a neutrality agreement. Fixed Singapore being able to be integrated into incorrect countries. Nerfed the Union of Britain's dockyard output bonus. Fixed Belgium being able to get six research slots. Releasing Nyasaland now requires Zambesia and Zimbabwe to be released first. Fixed some missing cores for Alash Orda, and it being released without relevant states. Added names to the United States National Guard divisions. Fixed socialist Argentina joining the Entente and Reichspakt. Adding a wargoal on Turkestan in Persias "Liberation of Tajikistan" national focus. Ukraine's leftists can no longer collectivise after being purged. Fixed Ecuador getting two liberal options in the 51/56 elections. The news event for America being at war with Japan now only fires after the American Civil War is concluded. German East Asia now gives all of Cambodia to Indochina if it somehow defeats Siam before the Indochinese Revolution is dealt with. Fixed Vietnam not being removed from the Reichspakt when German East Asia surrenders to the Indochinese Union. Fixed puppet Serbia not being released as a republic. Argentina now has Pern as AuthDem, and the junta as PatAut. Greece can no longer fall into civil war if puppeted. Fixed the AI losing too much war support from the AI-only mission. Fixed the Austrian New Administration national spirit being given for 356 days instead of 365. Adjusted the Russian party descriptions and full names. Updated the non-South American AI to stop it going on expeditions into the Amazon. Fixed CNT-FAI not changing its name appropriately during the Spanish Civil War. Greece will now claim Mula as part of the Megali Idea. South German Federation no longer has an automatic ambition area towards Austria. A player can still attack, though it will incur a hefty PP penalty. Updated the icons for several League of Eight Provinces national foci. Renamed the Insulindia song Lagu Nasakom Bersatu dengan (Nasakom Unite! Clarified the faction-joining preferences of each Haitian path. Sichuan now keeps a basic mountaineer template regardless of the outcome of the civil war. Fixed a French Republic national spirit causing a permanent stability debuff. Fixed Sdwestafrika pulling Germany into a war with South Africa. Tweaked Bulgarias behaviour in attacking Serbia, after losing to them previously, before the Weltkrieg. Fixed Ye Ju not being moved to Sichuan alongside Chen Jiongming. Nepal can no longer become a republic with the king in power. Descriptions coming soon. Fixed Sweden getting a Finnish event about the militarisation of land. Fixed Otvio Mangabeira returning as leader if provisional revolts against socialist Brazil are successful. The Unit Limit mechanic now takes civil wars into account. Fixed Border Clashes on Hispaola not working for Haiti. The ideologies that make up the mod. The Haitian/Dominican rebellions are now integrated into the annexation system. Expanded the benefits given by Bhutan declaring the Thunder Dragon Empire. Added a decision for Kenya to join the Entente, when at peace. Fixed the Dutch East Indies keeping the Caribbean islands after restoring the Netherlands. Overhauled the Indian strategic regions, now split into seven regions from what was previously three. Fixed Greece raising World Tension, when renouncing their claims. Fixed Qing not getting the correct attack decisions. Fixed Haiti not getting the civil war national spirit, in the Lescot route. Fixed the Treaty of Budapest firing even if Germany is already dead. Updated AI factors for the conscription laws. Fixed the IMRO rebellion firing for puppet Serbia. One of the biggest complaints about Kaiserreich is lag, particularly late game lag which can make playing into the 1940s almost unbearable. Patagonias national focus to economically support the Third Internationale during the Second Weltkrieg is now available for all paths (previously it was restricted to only 2 paths). Improved the AI focus priority for Dutch East Indies. Fixed the inability to produce certain starting light armour variants for several countries, due to having two secondary Heavy Machine Gun modules. Fixed many instances of AI countries not sending volunteers when they should. The headline two focus trees are Puerto Rico and Patagonian, both fully reworked. Changed TV Songs advisor trait for the Left Kuomintang. Fixed Japan not transferring Siberia to Transamur in peace conferences. Fixed Qing not getting the Before the Storm national spirit removed, when at war with Japan. Fixed Germany not leaving the Balkans to Austria if the latter intervened on their behalf in the Weltkrieg. Fixed Mittelafrika not being able to attack Zanzibar. Patagonia now receives more Argentinian characters via events and national focuses. Norways Quisling now joins the Reichspakt or Moscow Accord based on whether a neighbouring Scandinavian country went socialist or aligned with Germany. Argentinas Naval Academy national focus will now give different effects, depending on the chosen approach. SocCons and AutDems are now part of a new Conservative Ideological Group, instead being part of Liberal and Reactionary, respectively. Fixed Argentinian diplomacy decisions not appearing. Were doing a sweep through events to catch all those places which were missed previously, but its an effort which will take a while, so its unlikely to work perfectly yet. Added Ask of Thyself, Crown Imperial, a new version of Land of Hope and Glory, Fantasia on British Sea Songs, Here's A Health unto his Majesty, I vow to Thee My Country, Keep the Home Fires Burning, Soldiers of the King, Song of Liberty and Sons of the Brave. This does, however, allow for the Third Internationale to send volunteers during their war in Italy (which actually improves their chances of success), The Russian Civil War no longer fires randomly - it is now restricted to a single path (Alexander Shliapnikovs Popular Front), The SOV tag has been reworked into the Russian Socialist Republic, coming with it a total overhaul of its underlying code, Added new icons for the tech sharing groups of the Entente, Third Internationale, and Russian Alliance, New portraits for Sarit Thanarat and Phao Sryinond, Added a new decision for Canada to reduce the legitimacy for the UoB, which can force it to drop out of its faction and be annexed. Wilhelm III no longer starts as a Field Marshal for Germany, but can be made one at the onset of the Weltkrieg. Added a description for Canadas Prince Albert. Improved the AIs logic in Argentinean decisions, national focuses and advisors. Renamed and updated the descriptions of several national foci for Manchu-led Qing. Added Cockermouth, Douglas, Dumfries, Stornoway and Oban as victory points to the Union of Britain. The OTL Sudeten states are essentially redundant because they only are in vanilla to simulate the temporary 1938-9 border, but there is no need for KR to simulate the Munich Diktat and Pan-German nationalists claimed the entirety of Bohemia. Socialist Russia is now automatically added to the Internationale proper, once Germany capitulates. Fixed the American Civil War cosmetic renames not being correctly removed in all instances. Added a description to Patagonias decision to form Andesia. New ministers for Wales, Scotland, England, and puppet Great Britain. Fixed puppet Norway having inappropriate national spirits. Fengtians decision which gives them the Motorised technology, now has another effect if they already have researched the technology. Small changes on various parts of South Africas focus tree. LKMT can no longer integrate allies unless they've returned all expeditionary forces. The Left Kuomintangs Our Connections to the Shanghai Underground national focus will now give the Form Department intelligence agency upgrade, if it has not already been obtained. UPDATE: Cheat does not work with the >1.10 version of the game. Argentinas Manuel Domecq Garcia can now also become a political advisor. Depending on your system things may run up to 25% more smoothly than in 0.11. Rhodesia now gets claims on all of Mozambique when they declare war for it. Fixed a Mittelafrikan event referring to Gring, even if he has been ousted. Fixed the Bharatiya Communes foreign policy game rule to align with Iran. Fixed South Africas missing leader descriptions for Nicolaas Havenga and James Hertzog. Chile: Carlos Jouanne de la Motte du Portail, Canada: John Vereker (civilian & military), Combined Syndicates of America: Benjamin O. Davis Sr. New flags for Dahomey, Mozambique, Sudan and Sdwestafrika. Removed Belgian general Alexis Vander Veken. Fixed the annexation event for Galicia not giving Poland all of Galicia, if that option was chosen. Tweaked the Argentinean air and navy trees, removing filler focuses and updating the effects of remaining focuses. Improved the USA AI in using their war decisions. Added new unique news events for the reunification of China, depending on the unifier. Fixed Long Yun not being properly moved back to Yunnan if he takes over. King Nicolae I can succeed instead of Michael. Fixed Entente countries being prompted to join the Air Training Plan twice.

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