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Chaudhary Advocates

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In the year 1983, Chaudhary Ashraf Ali Khan commenced with the profession of law and began to provide legal solutions pertaining to Criminal Litigation. The times were in evolving mode thereof the circumstances were too in a transition hence the Tier II towns were upgrading to Tier I cities and the latter were following into the footsteps of metropolitan cities. As a matter of fact, this shift in the curriculum of the regular stature of the economic, social and geographical conditions of the cities resulted in bringing and widening the scope of law out of the confined limits of traditional Criminal & Civil issues.


Thereafter, the post-1991 phase known as Liberalisation, Privatisation, and Globalisation (LPG) led to the evolution of various policy and regulatory issues, challenges and flaws in establishing compatibility to the change and convergence in the market structure with the introduction of various standard technologies and mode of communication.


Role of Litigation and allied Services became manifold in coming days after LPG phase. The important facets of Good Governance and Corporate Governance like Transparency, Accountability, Free and Fair Trade and Market policy and in execution and follow up of these narratives and principles of Judicial Governance, smart litigation with sound observation and analysis of various Government Laws, Policies, Regulations, By-laws etc. were maintained in consonance through medium of analytical, strategic, persistent & dynamic approach by the team of Chaudhary Advocates.



General Information


406, Mercantile House,

K.G. Marg, New Delhi,

Delhi 110001, India


Tel: +01149841603



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