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Advocate Rahul Ranjan

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Advocate Rahul Ranjan has been practicing and handling cases independently with a result oriented approach, both professionally and ethically and has now acquired many years of professional experience in providing legal consultancy and advisory services.


Advocate Rahul provides services in various fields of family matters, civil matters, recovery matters, property matters and drafting and vetting of various agreements and documents.


Advocate Rahul Ranjan is also an expert criminal defense lawyer, having defended clients in various courts in complex bail matters and quashing or cancellation of FIR, deals with rights of arrested person, statuary and constitutional rights of the accused. Advocate Rahul Ranjan has a deep understanding of Criminal Writs, Criminal Complaints, Domestic Violence, White collar crimes such as Misappropriation of funds, Embezzlement, Criminal Breach of Trust, Cheating, FEMA violation, Narcotics and Drugs violations, Trial, Suspension of Sentence, Appeals, Revisions, Reviews, PMLA and PC Act cases, and has experience in providing defense for other criminal offences.


Advocate Rahul enrolled with the Bar Council of Delhi in 2013. He is the member of the Delhi Bar Association.



General Information


Kalkaji, New Delhi,

Delhi 110019, India


Tel: +9971146620

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